Civic Arm
ZIP Code
Grüningen |
a municipality in the district Hinwil, canton Zurich, in Switzerland |
CH - 8627 |

Ziesar-Grüningen |
a district of the municipality Wenzlow in the county Potsdam-Mittelmark, federal state Brandenburg, Germany |
D - 14778 |

Pohlheim-Grüningen |
a district of the city Pohlheim in the county Gießen, federal state Hessen, Gerrmany |
D – 35415 |

Gröningen |
a small town in the district of Börde close to Magdeburg, federal state Saxony-Anhalt,
Germany |
D – 39397 |

Neckargröningen |
a district of the town Remseck am Neckar
in the county of Ludwigsburg,
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany |
D - 71686 |

Markgröningen |
a town in the county of Ludwigsburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany |
D - 71706 |

Gröningen |
a district of the municipality Satteldorf in
the county of Schwaebisch-Hall,
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany |
D - 74589 |

Donaueschingen-Grüningen |
a district of the city Donaueschingen in the county Schwarzwald-Baar, federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany |
D – 78166 |
Riedlingen-Grüningen |
a district of the city Riedlingenin in the county Biberach, federal state Baden-Werttemberg, Germany |
D - 88499 |

Greußen-Grüningen |
a district of the city Greußen in the county Kyffhaus, federal state Thueringen, Germany |
D - 99718 |